Redhawk Caldera There's not a road I know that leads to anywhere
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Since we have another, I'm going to conclude this for us, @Nightjar. :)

Although Tiger was more than welcome to stick around, she sensed that the father and son needed some time alone, so she excused herself. "See you around," Peregrine called softly after her, his eyes tracking her movements until she moved out of view. They then flicked back to the eager Nightjar and a soft smile lifted his lips.

"What do you think of beating up some small animals for your sister to eat?" the Gamekeeper wondered aloud, then motioned for his son to join him. "I'll teach you everything I know about dealing with bad guys. But let's practice on some innocent bunnies first, eh?" He bent down, his breath ruffling the untidy fur on the boy's head, before standing up straight and leading the pup away in the direction of a nearby warren.