In a glass case of emotion
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421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn


There were only a handful of names she could have thought to give the demon male. Companion, friend, confidant… savior. And though she had not tested the limit aloud, there were more she could fathom, but hearing one from the mouth of another, she realized just the kind of impact it entailed. It was like a fire had been sparked in the pit of her stomach, and its flames and heat surged through her body to reach her cheeks. Had she felt warm in her winter pelt now, she felt completely ablaze in that instance.

“I-I… he…he…” her tongue felt heavy due to the foreign heat, not to mention the surge of thoughts that clambered over the other to take to the forefront of her mind. Her shoulders rounded uncomfortably as she sunk down into herself, as if attempting to hide from the question itself… or perhaps the reality of the truth and how it made her feel.

“N-no…” she mumbled finally, looking anywhere but to the white female sat next to her. “We share a den, is all. We… enjoy each other’s company… and… I hadn’t yet made a den for myself.” Though the likelihood of her doing so was far from thought, let alone mind. “And I,” her quiet voice turned meeker still as she paws awkwardly at her muzzle as if suddenly taken by an itch. None would have guessed this was a sign of uncertainty. “…I do not believe he favors me in that manner. He has not asked… or implied- but your restlessness!” Her head perked up quickly and let her bi-colored eyes rest on the serene visage of the woman. There was an opportunity for a change in topic, and she would have it before she was reminded of her own quiet thoughts further. “It is your healing that is making you restless?” she inquired almost desperately. “The strangeness of the land? Is it quite different from your own?”

Messages In This Thread
In a glass case of emotion - by Velox - March 18, 2014, 12:40 AM
RE: In a glass case of emotion - by Xi'nuata - March 18, 2014, 07:59 AM
RE: In a glass case of emotion - by Velox - March 19, 2014, 05:56 PM
RE: In a glass case of emotion - by Xi'nuata - March 19, 2014, 06:22 PM
RE: In a glass case of emotion - by Velox - March 20, 2014, 12:56 AM
RE: In a glass case of emotion - by Xi'nuata - March 20, 2014, 06:59 AM