Swiftcurrent Creek to be told.
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615 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Quote:Action 1: (Defend - 8) Jinx tries to plant her foot on the ground to avoid being toppled.
Action 2: (Attack - 1) Jinx makes a grab for Tonravik's scruff, hoping to use their combined momentum to bring the other woman down with her, if toppled, or at least shove her off balance herself.
Current HP: 24/24

From her youngest days, she had followed in her mother's footsteps, albeit unintentionally at times. As much as Jinx had grown to dislike Nanuq, she was very much like her, if not in stature then in attitude. She refused to give up, even knowing that Tonravik was fit and healthy and she was still injured. Bowing to a newcomer and relinquishing her title of Beta was an absurd concept, and one she would vanquish here and now.

Her grip found purchase, but it wasn't where she had wanted it to be. The Tartok wolf shoved her shoulder forward and, remembering similar assaults from her previous match with Njal and likely one of the scraps with Fox, Jinx let her neck become limp. She moved with the shove, avoiding some but not all of the pain that would have come with maintaining her grip on the woman's shoulder, but before she could relish her success, Tonravik was moving again. This time, the dark-haired female's jaws sought Jinx's leg, and the Kesuk moved quickly to plant it to the ground, unwilling to be thrown so easily.

Even if Tonravik managed to get her leg, Jinx was prepared for that, too. She drew on her experience with Nutaaq and the wolves of Swiftcurrent Creek, and snatched for the thick fur of the other woman's mane. If Tonravik was going to shove her down, then the dark bitch could come down with her. Unfortunately, the Tartok woman was moving too much and Jinx's snap fell short, leaving her open to retaliation.

She huffed through her teeth and attempted to square herself, but there was nothing she could do in that brief interim to gain any advantage.
Messages In This Thread
to be told. - by Tonravik - March 26, 2014, 03:50 PM
RE: to be told. - by Jinx - March 27, 2014, 09:05 PM
RE: to be told. - by Tonravik - March 30, 2014, 09:04 PM
RE: to be told. - by Jinx - March 30, 2014, 09:42 PM
RE: to be told. - by Tonravik - March 31, 2014, 01:47 PM
RE: to be told. - by Jinx - April 02, 2014, 11:20 AM