Haunted Wood If home is where the heart is, then I am lost [IC joining]
187 Posts
Ooc — Rain
Very nice timing, I had planned on trying to get in a few replies today! Been busy with making Christmas gifts for the family and it's been taking up all my time.

Large paws padded softly along the boarder of the wood as golden eyes searched for any signs of Redhawk Caldera and other pack wolves. Redhawk had crossed into their territory more often than any other pack since they were close to this wood. Regular boarder patrols were necessary to keep the unwanted wolves from trespassing on his land again. Grim had wanted to bring his sons along, but until his small pack officially claimed this area, it was too dangerous to bring his pups. If those damned Redhawks decided to show up again, they may attempt to murder his kin. Lips pulled back in a silent snarl as he snapped his teeth together out of anger. Too many times his pups had been in danger. Grim wanted this place to be safe for them, but it couldn't be until they made it clear that this was their home. Redhawk would continue to interfere until they respected his and Lusa's pack. A shiver trickled down his spine and long hairs rose at his crest in excitement at the thought of fighting Caldera to gain their acknowledgement. Kill, the voices called. Murder, they laughed. The corner of his lips twisted into a crazed grin at the voices who whispered in his ears and called to the darkness in his heart. Grim very much longed to kill Redhawk. And he would if they showed up again. 

Something brought Grim from his thoughts. He paused, glancing slowly about the wood. A shadow just beyond the edge of the trees captured his attention. Bristling, he lowered his head and body, teeth bared in fury. Using a bush as cover, he readied himself for an attack. But as he watched the wolf, his posture relaxed slightly. Ribs could be seen along this blackish brown wolf which made Grim assume that this could not be a pack wolf, and it only paced along their border. There was no indication that this wolf wanted to trespass, instead it looked to be waiting for something. 

Stepping out from the bush, Grim raised his head with perked ears and tail slightly up. He remained silent, waiting to hear what this wolf was doing at his borders, but made himself look as menacing as possible in case this stranger was out for blood. Golden eyes dared the wolf to lunge at him. Grim would enjoy killing this loner if they attacked.
Why wait? The voices questioned. Kill it, they commanded. He flicked his ear to clear it. As much as he wanted a fight, he wasn't going to attack a loner without knowing their intentions.
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RE: If home is where the heart is, then I am lost [IC joining] - by Grimnir - November 07, 2015, 10:35 AM