Haunted Wood If home is where the heart is, then I am lost [IC joining]
I'll stay awake, 'cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight
47 Posts
Ooc — Mae
I wonder how this will go.. 
 Lunae felt a small surge of anger, something inside her changed. He thinks you are nothing, he says it in his face. The voice slowly began. Bloodthirsty. It continued. 'Well, if he tries to eat me, or just touch me with his mouth, he will be poisoned', she answered, proud. 
 Lunae had thought of this, and had rubbed Jimson Weed on her fur coat, careful not to consume any of it. She began to speak. I am good with healing plants, and also poisons. I can set up a trap to kill almost anything. Plants are my specialty. She was sure to let the word 'poisons' stand out. With a slight crazed grin, she straightened out her tail, left it to balance on the ground, and her ears going back to neutral. Wait. The voice interrupted. He is hiding something, no someone. His face. Children, he has children. That means he has a mate. His face, it seems better. He is thinking about his mate. He can't be completely crazy if he has a mate. 
Ignoring the voice, Lunae began to reinspect the wolf, searching for signs of weakness. Show no weakness, you are strong, my little moon, whispered a voice, her mother's. 
 No weakness, the voice seemed to agree. She held her pose, with no weakness. Her eyes seemed to be more in focus, she could now see the little details in his gold eyes. She stopped grinning, instead a more respectful smile, more relaxed. She wondered if they alpha's pack has a healer already. Try not be so obvious of your emotions, the voice whispered in her mind, as if it was referring to the other wolf. 
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RE: If home is where the heart is, then I am lost [IC joining] - by Lunae - November 09, 2015, 09:00 AM