Bramblepoint run for your life!
7 Posts
Ooc — Wingz (formerly known as ;)
Hi there ;)

Caeli and her companion Ridir had taken up temporary residence around Salmon Lake while the pair learned about the area and made plans for their next move.  That step obviously needed to be joining up with a pack, for winter was already tickling at the lands.  There were obvious signs of wolf life nearby, scents on the wind and sounds in the air, but until the small female had felt rested from their journey to the area, she hadn't wanted to cross paths with strangers.  Strength and alertness felt at their peak now though, and so with a bit of prodding from Ridir, she'd taken to exploring.

On this day she'd not wandered far from the Lake, only trailing the edges of a large expanse of lovely smelling trees and bushes. The crisp breeze brought her sign of another as she shifted around a turn in the path.  First instinct was to fade back into the trees.  She was no coward - only incredibly cautious.  But that same breeze also reminded her that she did not want to be alone when the cold season was in full swing.

So she edged a bit closer, emerald eyes seeking, keen nose sniffing.  Until... yes, there!  In the distance was an earthen figure.  Caeli had finally found herself another wolf. Now what? She forced a short barking, "Hello," across the distance, then waited.  She could not yet see whatever it was that had caught the other's attention.
Messages In This Thread
run for your life! - by Behati - November 09, 2015, 09:19 AM
RE: run for your life! - by Caeli - November 09, 2015, 10:20 AM
RE: run for your life! - by Behati - November 09, 2015, 11:00 AM
RE: run for your life! - by Caeli - November 18, 2015, 11:55 PM