Sing to the stars, they always listen though they never hear
Loyal to the death
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The night air got cooler still, winter had not yet loosened it's hold upon the land. Ferdie's ear perked forward his expression one of keen interest, He had not yet met a wolf who enjoyed talking as much as he did, this was a very refreshing change. The words just flowed from this young wolf, a very stark difference from the alpha of this land. He found himself slightly overwhelmed by her but that to was a welcome change.

He smiled and licked his lips, his body language betraying his words, "That is just fine Mi'dear, you enjoy that rabbit to it's fullest" turning down the offer he mightily wanted to take up on. He did not think females were weaker then males, quite the opposite actually, he valued females more then he valued himself or any other male and so he would not take the food.

"I arrived just after the defeat of that feline cur, t'was a good thing it was taken care of, should it have taken a den in or near our pack lands it would have hunted us off one by one.... I believe it though cat's are dumb they are smart about some things but they are just wholly unintelligent" Ferdie chuckled.

The wind kicked up blowing around his discarded fur, and it was thing Ferdie realized yet again, though it was to his own design that he was without a sleep to sleep Where do you plan to sleep tonight Mi'dear he inquired of her, they may have just met but they were pack members and daylight was fading very fast if she had something she might be inclined to share, she seemed like the type. It would be nice to have a warm body to sleep next too