Haunted Wood If home is where the heart is, then I am lost [IC joining]
187 Posts
Ooc — Rain
Kill. Grim stilled himself at the loner's words. The stranger had said they were good with healing and poisons, and killing. But he was skeptical of her claim. Although they did require a healer. He raised his head, ears facing forward, and his expression contemplative.  Lusa would want this female if they could really heal. He huffed watching as the female's demeanor changed. Her tail straightened, her ears swiveled forward. She seemed confident in her claim. Grim bared his teeth. At least this wolf's coat was dark. They had too many white wolves in the pack. Perhaps he could accept her just for that trait alone. He soaked in the grin that was similar to his, but not quite as crazed as his had been, that settled into a more relaxed and respectful smile on her muzzle. He could not deny that she at least respected him. 

Thinking of Lusa, he wondered if he should voice the requirements expected by his mate or himself. But this was his recruit. He would inform her of what he wanted. "
Near the northern boarders there is Redhawk Caldera." His face contorted into outright hatred and fury at the name. "They are to be attacked and killed on sight without question." He looked the smaller female over. "Failure to keep them off our territory will be dealt with harshly." Tolerance would forever elude him. Again he had to weigh the possibility of it being good or bad for his pack. But his hatred went beyond reason for Redhawk. "If a lone wolf comes seeking recruitment, I expect them to be in favor of.... killing." He would make this pack dark. Darker than Blackfeather Woods. "If you believe them to be worthy, then you may call for myself or Lusa. We are the Alphas of these woods." He stood straighter, proud of their accomplishment.  "Pack wolves will be dealt with depending on their intentions. Deal with them as you see fit." He wasn't much for this type of thing. Grim preferred to remain in the dark, watching. But these type of things were required of him as an Alpha now. He would not disappoint his little killer.

As much as he didn't want to admit to it, Grim also knew that he had to mention Lusa's beliefs. They were the base of their pack for her. "
My mate follows a religion, that if you so choose to, you may follow as well." He did not know of the specifics of the religion. But knew that Lusa would want to discuss it with this wolf as soon as she could. "Seek her out if you wish to know more.

Feeling reluctant to give into recruiting the female Grim gave her one last chance to leave. "
Spars are welcomed in this pack. I will not punish those who wish to test their strengths. Be warned that another may so choose to challenge you." His lip twitched at the corner as he restrained a grin. "If you refuse, then you will lose your rank by default and it will be given to your challenger. Refusing a challenge is admitting you are too weak to keep your position." Amber eye's glinted with evil. "If you have no objections then I shall allow you a rank within our pack." He hoped that his explanation somewhat jostled the female into questioning her decision to join. "Do you have anything you would like to say before the pact is made?"
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RE: If home is where the heart is, then I am lost [IC joining] - by Grimnir - November 12, 2015, 01:32 PM