Jade Fern Grove I could use a little Facetime, the face to face kind
confidence, charisma, character
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A slow, deep, gravelly laugh seemed to emanate from the gloomy grove, but it took the alpha female several seconds to locate the source. She peered through the mist, coat bladed with tension and fear, until her eyes locked on the slight reflectance in the gaze of an approaching monster. Her ears pressed back against her scalp as she scrambled backward, but the bear's approach was slow and methodical. Its loose snout was twisted into some sort of malicious expression, its piggy eyes locked on her, and it chuffed another round of slow laughter.

It yawned wide its maw and spoke, and Saena had to strain to understand the words it ground out in its rocky accent. "Skull kid," it ground out ominously, "find you." Her face was puzzled as she crept even further back, unwittingly drawing nearer to the hidden Caiaphas, and only then did the bear seem to recognize her. It chuckled again, that same deep, throaty sounds that made her hair stand on end, and rumbled, "tail... delicious."

When she finally puzzled out the exact words, a chill snaked all the way up Saena's spine and she froze. This couldn't be the same bear. "Skull kid," it repeated, taking another heavy step toward her, but she couldn't find the strength in her legs to back away again.
Messages In This Thread
RE: I could use a little Facetime, the face to face kind - by Saēna - November 15, 2015, 01:16 PM