Blacktail Deer Plateau shiver my sails
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21 Posts
Ooc — Charmy
ooc: omg hiiiiiiiiiiiii

i'm just a dreamer
i dream my life away
i'm just a dreamer
[size=3]who dreams of better days[/size]

She couldn’t quite decide if she wanted to go for Gamekeeper or one of the defender jobs. It was a hard decision for her to make, that much was certain, because she could, and would, do both without question or hesitation. For now, she found herself just doing whatever, adding at least a single small animal a day to the newer cache not far from the alphas’ den. It was the least she could do for being taken in, accepted into the ranks. Sabriyah knew that she could be doing more, though. It was just a matter of figuring out what.

Taking a stroll, almost lost entirely in thought, movement pulled her back to the here and now. It was the smell of the badgers that caught her attention first, followed by that of the young looking male digging at the badger hole. “I wouldn’t advise doing that,” she spoke up as she neared, stopping at a decent distance. “Unless you don’t care about getting your face trashed.”

Messages In This Thread
shiver my sails - by Kraken Wolf - April 04, 2014, 01:13 PM
RE: shiver my sails - by Sabriyah - April 04, 2014, 01:25 PM
RE: shiver my sails - by Kraken Wolf - April 25, 2014, 10:46 PM