Dragoncrest Cliffs i could base my whole existence on the cherry-strands of your gold hair
i'm a hold my cards close, i'm a wreck what i love most
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We'll see. A most troubling string of parting words, his voice rich with equivocal nuance. Before the locus of his interests (who was unfit to reject any handouts regardless of their quality, given her present state of irrepair) could protest he set off due west, his tufty stormmantled buns disappearing into the wilderness. She would never admit to watching a little longer than necessary as he paraded his wares on farewell. But she totally did. Totes.

Twenty or so minutes into the waiting game and Lusca was rapidly growing bored. In line with Tachyon's fears she considered flaking on their agreement and bearing off sans Romeo, and on the impulse of her thoughts she began to roam aimlessly in the direction opposite of where he had departed from.

Mid-tromp her stomach suddenly clenched in sharp pain and gnarred loudly, the tender contraction causing her to tense up and stoop her peaked shoulders. Ears canting pitifully, she slowly slid to her armpits into a complete stretch upon the forest floor. Like sugarplum fairies danced in kid's heads on the night before Christmas, in her mind danced images of Tachyon returning with the elk offspring of Godzilla in tow, his physique now exaggeratedly robust and countenance flinty with a ruthless sort of carelessness – she availed herself to the figmental scene in which she was being hand-fed grapes while sprawled upon an elaborate chaise-lounge. 

An hour passed and Lusca's ears pricked with the sound of footfalls and bushbreak. A sigh of relief was hauled from her breast and she rose partway to her feet, waiflike torso warping to face him. "Thank God. I was wond-" the solace in her eyes dehydrated as they befell the meager helpings of a rodent. A. Rodent! Taken aback, she stood completely to stilts and flattened her ears, taking turns staring between Tachyon (who was very much not strapping manfolk borne as conceived by her imagination) and his modest kill. "What the hell is this." She asked him flatly, lips puffing and huffing with consternation.
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RE: i could base my whole existence on the cherry-strands of your gold hair - by Lusca - November 25, 2015, 06:46 PM