Thunder Dome Winter flames race the wind
A dragon will never bow down
689 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
There was a hint of surprise that flitted across her face when she noticed his tail move. The motion was scant and short-lived, but it did not go unnoticed. To witness such a seemingly cold wolf show even the slightest of happy gestures had her suspicious of what truly went on in his mind. Perhaps the look he wore and the tone he spoke in was a defense mechanism, an attempt to save himself from the risk of falling victim to emotional pain. It would not be the first time she'd met someone of the like, and most certainly would not be the last, but she neither could or would confirm her assumptions. Despite her desire for him to join the ranks of her tribe, the truth remained that they were strangers. To ask someone to give such deep and personal information out to another they'd only just met was expecting too much, and she would not demand it of him. If, with time, they grew close enough for him to share willingly, then she would gladly listen. Until that time arrived, if it ever did, she would continue to let herself be surprised by the little shows of positive emotions he'd give.

Asterr knew not of from where he'd come, so she did not confirm or deny his conclusion. It was quite possible that their homelands were actually close to one another, but the manner in which her's worked was... strange, to phrase it simply, when compared to other establishments. Of course, it was all too normal for her, but never would she verbally label the two as such. Instead of commenting on his statement, she'd simply offered a nod of her head. No matter the differences in the areas they'd been born into, she would not put another down in any manner. If she were to meet someone, it was because she was meant to meet them. It was an event that had been weaved into her fate long before she'd even been conceived, and so she often took the time to learn of other cultures, rather than put them down for being different from her own. Someday, perhaps in the near future, she may ask Jolon of his heritage, and hope by then he feels comfortable enough to let her in.

With their informal exchange set aside, the topic of conversation once again became serious. His comment concerning her role as a leader was flattering, and was made even better when followed by a statement that she deemed satisfying. He would give his loyalty to both her and the tribe. It was a wondrous thing to hear, and she demonstrated her gratification with a swift wave of her tail. It was quick and limited, but prominent all the same. She accepted his awkward bow with a dip of her head, as well as stored his words away in her memory. He had given his word that he would never betray them, and she would hold him to it. His next words appeared to be spoken with a great deal of thought behind them, as if he wanted to be sure his phrasing would not go against him. She could accept what he had to offer, and so a smile of approval was given. "At first, I will admit that I was wary of your presence. However now I know I have nothing to feel concern towards," the yearling voiced, stepping closer in order to touch her shoulder to his. "You, Jolon, have been accepted into my tribe. This peak may serve as your home, your safe space, and your family from this day forth. I look forward to seeing you often." With that, she took a step back and set her gaze on him once more, before stepping aside to allow him to pass her if he chose to do so. "If you would like, I will show you around. If you'd rather explore on your own, please keep in mind that their are others residing on this mountain. If they know of me, then they are of the tribe. If they do not, be wary of their intentions."
You're a mirror with two faces
Two sides, simple as that
Thread titles are from Hyuna’s “How’s This”
Messages In This Thread
Winter flames race the wind - by Asterr - January 06, 2016, 12:22 AM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Jolon - January 06, 2016, 11:21 AM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Asterr - January 06, 2016, 06:56 PM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Jolon - January 07, 2016, 11:12 AM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Asterr - January 08, 2016, 12:56 AM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Jolon - January 08, 2016, 05:31 PM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Asterr - January 08, 2016, 06:34 PM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Jolon - January 08, 2016, 09:05 PM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Asterr - January 08, 2016, 11:47 PM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Jolon - January 09, 2016, 09:53 AM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Asterr - January 09, 2016, 07:02 PM
RE: Winter flames race the wind - by Jolon - January 09, 2016, 08:11 PM