Cerulean Cape love left me hollow
stones and bones
5 Posts
Ooc —
That's perfectly ok! <3 Hover for translations. c:

For a guy who'd spent the days of his childhood (when he was of an appropriate age) taking part in raids — despite the protests of his mentor — and venturing without permission in the free territories around Odinn's Cove he was ashamed at how disoriented the fog had made him, though it was infamous for it's ability to destroy any seasoned traveler's internal compass. He loved travel just as much as he loved the heavens and medicines; but his utter lack of direction caused by the thick and opaque fog that hung over the Cape, heavy as he breathed it in and let it out in an expel of oxygen. Following the belief that since he had yet to run into any other living creature since he'd woken to the fog — not including the scraggly rabbit he'd taken down for breakfast — it thoroughly surprised him when he heard a soft growl, moments after he had let out his.

His steps ceased, hackles bristling along his nape and dorsal, pupils narrowing in their pools of ethereal silver as he looked about him, looking for any sign of another. Visually, this was near impossible lest he was right on top of the other — which he was not. But he was near, this conclusion drawn by the assumption that it was not Valr's own growl echoing back at him. Did sounds even echo in fog? Valr did not know and stuck to his assumption that there was another and nearby. The flame attempted to follow the origin of the mimicked growl. “hver er þar?” The flame demanded in his native tongue, the guttural words projected with the intent of reaching the stranger that he could not see.

Messages In This Thread
love left me hollow - by Valr - January 28, 2016, 03:05 PM
RE: love left me hollow - by Magnus - January 30, 2016, 09:00 AM
RE: love left me hollow - by Valr - January 30, 2016, 10:13 AM
RE: love left me hollow - by Magnus - January 31, 2016, 07:58 AM