Swiftcurrent Creek vacancies
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Fox listened as Bazi rattled off news of Silvertip and a few other things about healers. Most of it went in one ear and out the other. Fox had never been a terribly attentive wolf, and that was not about to change now. Still, it was not as if Fox didn't hear anything that Bazi said, and she responded to a few points once the girl fell silent. “I told Lecter to take Tyrande with him,” she began, “The girl clearly lacks manners, and I didn’t want that kind of thing here. If she wants to come back, that’s not our decision to make.” Fox was not going to try and steal the girl away from Silvertip just because Lecter was treating her like he was. Tyrande was his, as far as Fox was concerned, and he was free to do with her what he pleased, so long as it sat well with Jinx. It was out of their paws now.

“I had put Jace in charge of keeping a close eye on our food reserves, since nobody can heal on an empty stomach. Perhaps if we find somebody to fill that position, he can shift his focus to taking care of others on a different level.” Tuwawi was, of course, one of their main gamekeepers, but she would soon be with child (if she wasn't already), and food was more important to the pack than a healer. Everybody needed food all the time, but healing was only necessary for those who got themselves hurt.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
Messages In This Thread
vacancies - by Bazi - April 19, 2014, 10:18 AM
RE: vacancies - by RIP Fox - April 19, 2014, 11:04 AM
RE: vacancies - by Bazi - April 19, 2014, 11:43 AM
RE: vacancies - by RIP Fox - April 19, 2014, 04:33 PM
RE: vacancies - by Bazi - April 19, 2014, 04:45 PM
RE: vacancies - by RIP Fox - April 19, 2014, 05:02 PM
RE: vacancies - by Jace - April 19, 2014, 05:36 PM
RE: vacancies - by Bazi - April 20, 2014, 06:35 AM
RE: vacancies - by Ferdie Von Pelt - April 21, 2014, 01:50 PM
RE: vacancies - by RIP Fox - April 22, 2014, 07:23 PM
RE: vacancies - by Jace - April 23, 2014, 12:03 PM
RE: vacancies - by Bazi - April 23, 2014, 03:19 PM
RE: vacancies - by Ferdie Von Pelt - April 23, 2014, 06:22 PM
RE: vacancies - by RIP Fox - April 27, 2014, 11:04 PM
RE: vacancies - by Jace - April 28, 2014, 11:31 PM
RE: vacancies - by Bazi - April 29, 2014, 03:13 AM