Wheeling Gull Isle the beatings will continue until morale improves
90 Posts
Ooc — ebony
erzsébet had never considered being the wife of this man, and after the wrong he had perpetrated against her, her gorge rose at the very idea. to be tied to ferahgo..! to be expected to do his bidding and bed him of her own accord! never! she wanted to snap his cold eyes from his face for the very suggestion.

yet she kept herself pliant and biddable, eyes filling with a shame she truly felt. "a wench, captain. look upon me. scarred. torn. i am no wife. wives are lovely things." the countess could no longer think herself among that number, not with the mark of his teeth plain upon her cheek and her ear. 

she wondered briefly why he was so intent upon having a wife. surely there were others from whom he could choose, or set off down the coast to bring back a shrieking girl for such a purpose.
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RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - by Erzsébet - March 04, 2016, 02:28 PM