Wheeling Gull Isle the beatings will continue until morale improves
90 Posts
Ooc — ebony
part of the woman wished to tell ferahgo that she had been a wife before, and had known childbirth, for perhaps it would detract from his odd affections for her. yet she kept her mouth silent about such, and let an alluring light brighten her eyes. so he did not find her disfigured, and, despite herself, erzsébet was intrigued by his reextension of the offer.

yet she wished to hurt him in some way, enrage the man against her -- the countess tilted her head and sauntered in a slow circle 'round the captain, parading the glint of her eyes and the curve of her hips. "what would it mean for me if i did," she inquired. 

coldness touched her features then; she faced the man fully. "what would it mean, ferahgo?" would he force himself upon her again? slay her? to what lengths would he go in his demands that she become wife?
Messages In This Thread
RE: the beatings will continue until morale improves - by Erzsébet - March 04, 2016, 07:43 PM