Broken Antler Fen I'm in Control.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar

Sebastian stepped into the cool water of the creek, his muzzle lowering for a few sips of fresh water. The large male inhaled softly. He would need to talk to Kinra after what happened. She had not left on a good note and the young alpha needed to talk to her. He would not allow her to talk to him like that. He shouldn't because then other members might take examples from it. The young grey male let out a soft grunt and took a dip in the water.

He was unsure how to handle all of this, but he was not going to walk away from it. He stepped on the soft bank of the creek and shook out his fur before howling for the knight. He had been thinking about some tasks for her that might be good for her to do. Sebastian had not given her anything to do yet, so that might also be one of her irritations, who knows. He was going to the bottom of this.
Messages In This Thread
I'm in Control. - by Sebastian - March 28, 2016, 05:54 AM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Kinra - March 28, 2016, 06:26 AM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Sebastian - March 28, 2016, 12:30 PM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Kinra - March 28, 2016, 01:46 PM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Sebastian - March 28, 2016, 02:58 PM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Kinra - March 28, 2016, 03:53 PM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Sebastian - March 28, 2016, 04:49 PM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Kinra - March 28, 2016, 05:40 PM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Sebastian - March 30, 2016, 06:49 AM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Kinra - March 30, 2016, 11:16 AM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Sebastian - March 31, 2016, 08:26 AM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Kinra - March 31, 2016, 10:50 AM
RE: I'm in Control. - by Sebastian - March 31, 2016, 04:23 PM