Sleeping Dragon but stars burn out, my dear, and everything golden dies
what do i do after all this survival?
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Ooc — Kermy
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Once the meeting had ended, and the duties had been passed on, Thuringwethil feels herself unable to hold her shoulders anymore. Tired and weary from travel to and from the Grotto, only to be disappointed, she feels the worry in her chest about the next morning. If they waited for the Phoenix wolves to bring the war to them, they could be unprepared—they can’t constantly be on their toes waiting for the unknown. Taking it to them is the only way for them to survive, to ensure that, yes the Phoenix had been here first, but this belong to the Dragons now. They’d been civil, for a while, but a matter of time would bring pain to them all and that time is up.

With a sigh, Thuringwethil picks her head back up and travels through the dark back to the cave she’d left Wildfire in when she’d arrived. The one with Gyda she takes up occasionally, and one to herself, and she doesn’t even expect @Wildfire to be there—she’d likely felt better in the span of days she’d been in the Dragon and found her own place to sleep. Knowing that she might not get much sleep in the next several hours, she takes to resting alone and getting comfortable on the cool, cave floor to try and pass the time until morning.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
Messages In This Thread
but stars burn out, my dear, and everything golden dies - by Antumbra - April 18, 2016, 04:24 PM