King Elk Forest I met him in a crowded room
2 Posts
Ooc —
Kojak stepped confidently through the trees, his head raised in a regal manner. Occasionally, his huge paws crushed the shells of locusts underfoot, but he paid no heed to them. His gaze was drawn to the unfamiliar land around him, new and exciting and totally decimated. He suspected it had been the work of the many insects now brittle and lifeless, and that the lack of prey had something to do with the progression of the insects. Here and there the gentle giant could see traces of life, slowly returning, however, it would be a while until this land reclaimed its former glory, if ever. He could almost picture the beauty that might had been had this land been in its prime.
He himself was not as thin as the wolves residing here, having entered the ravaged lands recently. Reason told him to turn back, escape the carnage, but a powerful curiosity propelled him further. His pelt had lost some of its former lustre, and he had lost some of his well-built frame, but his health was still better than the citizen of the Wilds.
It was soon that he came across the female with the beautiful pelt. But she was injured, bruised and bleeding, and something looked wrong about her. Kojak watched as she stalked invisible prey, and with growing concern as she launched herself at nothing. She snarled and tumbled, and Kojak felt great pity for the unknown female. Something was obviously addled with her mind, and her body was covered in wounds. Perhaps it would prove unwise to do so, but he stepped out and greeted the female.
"Greeting, Ma'am, I am Kojak. I mean no harm to you, but felt compelled to assist you in any manner you may need. You are injured, and perhaps I could assist with that. May I ask who you are?"

It was only natural for him to offer help, it would be shameful to walk away. So he spoke to her in a low rumble of a voice, standing still and unthreatening. He did not mention her lunge at nothing, but waited for her to reply.
Messages In This Thread
I met him in a crowded room - by Saēna - June 04, 2016, 04:46 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Kojak - June 04, 2016, 07:25 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Spring - June 05, 2016, 08:00 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Saēna - June 13, 2016, 12:36 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Kojak - June 13, 2016, 02:13 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Spring - June 13, 2016, 05:55 PM