King Elk Forest I met him in a crowded room
2 Posts
Ooc —
Ears perked against his skull as another made her wai into the scene, a she-wolf the seemed to carry a simual scent to the pale girl. She beseeched the woman with a name, though she gave none for herself. Saena. She inquired upon the womans health, nervousness tainting her words. Kojak, through this, remained silent, what place did he, a stranger, have in this? But he would stay, for now, until he was sure that the woman, Saena, was alright. If told to, her would leave, for he wished not to intrude on such an odd situation. The woman looked at him then, her words one of royalty. She was a queen, she said, and he must bow to her. The man's ears flicked a moment, betraying his slight irratation, but he did as she asked. He had no wish to upset this confused looking one.

And so he dipped his head to her, bright eyes shining out of his thickly furred head. As she wished, he would comply. He spoke evenly, allowing none of his surprise or confusion into his voice "My apolagizies, madam." How could it be that such a queen was here alone, hunting air and injured. Perhaps, something had adled with her mind. Kojak was wise in keeping his thought to himself, he doubted that they would be well recieved.

He prevented his brow from arching when she addressed the other, noting the high opinion she held of herself. Her Graciousness? Her Wildness? These flambant titles he did not question eithher, but gave the other female a look of confusion and questioning. What relation did she hold to this Saena? It was because of the look he shot the female that he did not notice the womans quick glance at the emprty bough.
Messages In This Thread
I met him in a crowded room - by Saēna - June 04, 2016, 04:46 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Kojak - June 04, 2016, 07:25 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Spring - June 05, 2016, 08:00 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Saēna - June 13, 2016, 12:36 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Kojak - June 13, 2016, 02:13 PM
RE: I met him in a crowded room - by Spring - June 13, 2016, 05:55 PM