The Sentinels [MANDATORY] down to earth, keep on falling when i know it hurts
i gave until my soul hurt
315 Posts
Ooc — Ash
Since her Papa died, Eilidh had distanced herself from the pack. She'd dived into her herb garden, searching high and low, far and wide, for herbs to refill the patch of earth destroyed by the swarm. Her journey had taken her away from the sentinels more often than not, and she had secreted herself and her pain far away from those she loved. Though she knew on some level that it wasn't the best idea, she rationalized her absences with her concern for their wellbeing. If she wasn't there moping about, then they would be free to live their lives without her grief in the way.

That morning when Aria called the pack together, Eilidh was ankle-deep in dirt, and came away without enthusiasm. She found her place beneath a tree of the clearing, her emerald eyes scanning the crowd, before she settled down on her belly in the shadows.
Caregiver (5/5) / Medic (1/10)
Naturalist (0/5) / Botanist (0/10)
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RE: [MANDATORY] down to earth, keep on falling when i know it hurts - by Eilidh - July 24, 2016, 11:10 PM