The Sentinels [MANDATORY] down to earth, keep on falling when i know it hurts
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258 Posts
Ooc — Ells
Aria had her utmost attention... for a variety of reasons. It was good to see Osprey and Constantine, and she might've purred at young Deirdre taking a seat at her side, but her eyes were all Aria's, and she listened with interest.

Her heart sunk a little at the idea. It was a smart idea, it showed strength and logic. Yes, it was the right thing to do. And yet Lucani could not shake off a thread of idealistic foolishness that Donnelaith was a pacifist's haven, somehow exempt from the aggressive ways of the world...

This is sensible, said the Medic, aware that Aria seemed nervous and keen to put her doubts at rest. A pacifist with brawn and speed is no less peaceful.
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RE: [MANDATORY] down to earth, keep on falling when i know it hurts - by Lucani - August 01, 2016, 05:23 AM