Sunbeam Lair Make me think I am bitter, to consider it this far
32 Posts
Ooc — Gray
She had spoken his name and so Gray Perked up and listened intently as his Chieftess began to speak. As the conversation went on he was able to understand where it was going well before the final statement of ‘freedom’ was uttered. But it was more than that, not just freedom but the offer to become an actual part of the pack. To be a member of the family and not just one who was there to serve. Gray unknowing what to say took a literal step back as if Asterr’s words had carried tangible force.
In a way he wanted to stay, he had been happy to settle down. Helping out when he was asked, and not needing to worry about where he needed to travel, and when the next time he would  be able to eat would be. Then again, he never intended to stay, the only reason he was still there was because he believed that braking ones word, was dishonorable beyond recompense. However that was over now, he had been released from his obligation, and was now able to leave… but still, he was unsure it was he wanted.
Gray knew some time had passed as he continued his internal monolog. He needed to say something to Asterr who was waiting patiently, but he did not know what he wanted. As he weighed in his final thoughts and decided upon his decision he spoke softly but his words where clear and hard. “Thank you for everything you have done for me. Sparing my life is something I will always be indebted to you for, even if you feel I have repaid it.” Slowly he swallowed nervous about his next answer, despite being hard set on saying it. “But, I must decline your offer to stay here. Again thank you for everything.” And with that, he respectfully bowed his head before turning to leave into the forest.
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RE: Make me think I am bitter, to consider it this far - by Gray - October 09, 2016, 04:42 AM