Profile of Raelle: Quick Facts
Played By: xynien
Basic Info
Full Name: Raelle "Rae" Shila Blackwood-Mayfair
Pronunciation: ray-el
Subspecies: 75% arctic wolf 25% grey wolf
Size: Tiny, Thin
Sex: Female
Age: 2 (05/15/2022)
Birthplace: Falls of the Hinterlands
At a Glance

Profile of Raelle: Details
It's all fire and brimstone, baby,


Fiery natural reds atop darker ruddy markings with pale accents. Blue eyes. Raelle is tiny and unnaturally thin from a childhood spent fending for herself, but there is nothing delicate about her figure; she has the thin musculature of one accustomed to fighting for every meal.

so let's go outside

"Raelle, you be de keeper of de red pearl.
Dis hue indicates one who is strong, brave an' willful,
it means as a leader, you might be skillful.
De size means you 'ave a big heart in you;
to your pack, Sapphique, you be true."

— Chacal
Profile of Raelle: Additional Information
Registered on March 17, 2022, last visited Yesterday, 08:02 PM
Art Credits
Avatar by The Shadowed Grim
Gif by Klechkodav
Pearl image by Jess
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