Sunbeam Lair you are a language i am no longer fluent in but still remember how to read
A dragon will never bow down
689 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
For now, it seemed as if her word would be enough to get by on. Though she knew not yet how well she would do if forced to send her friend away, at least an attempt would be made. Yet as soon as she’d decided that she’d do so, Asterr found herself wishing that he might never visit again. Not because she wished to keep him away from the hatchlings, per se, but because him staying away would be far easier to deal with than having to tell him to leave. The tribe came first, that was how it had always been, and this she knew. It was something that had been engraved into her mind day after day from the moment she was born, up until the moment she’d left her family, and still did there exist continuous reminders even after having created a new home for herself. Still, that didn’t make the idea of abandoning a friend any easier to deal with.

She kept quiet as he spoke, taking it all in. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it before any words could come out. A nod was given, though it troubled her to hear what had been said. No longer a guard to her alone, nor the tribe’s Shogun. He wanted something greater, to not be trapped beneath her any longer, which was understandable. And though she was uncertain, both of him and his ability to serve, she could not see any other option. True, she could deny him, but then what? Surely he would leave, and she’d be left to look after both the girls and their home by herself. Whilst she did not think herself to be incapable, the amount of stress could become overwhelming, and a tired mind was not something that she could afford to have. After taking a breath to calm herself, she’d said, “Then I suppose you will have to be the tribe’s Chieftain.” Not hers, but theirs.

Briefly, she’d thought the curtain to have been drawn on their conversation, which wasn’t the case. He’d another statement to make, one of which that had left her without an immediate response to give. “I—,” she stopped herself, mouth closing and ears folding. “As you wish.” There had never been any affections between them, anyways. It was only out of necessity that they’d become mates, nothing else. And though she’d quickly reminded herself of this, she’d still felt hurt by his words. Perhaps not as badly as she could have been, but there was definitely a constricting feeling within her chest that she could recall having only ever felt a handful of times in her life.
You're a mirror with two faces
Two sides, simple as that
Thread titles are from Hyuna’s “How’s This”