Sunbeam Lair you are a language i am no longer fluent in but still remember how to read
A dragon will never bow down
689 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
When his gaze was no longer on her, she released a breath that had unknowingly been trapped within her lungs. She couldn’t think of anything that could be said, nor was she entirely sure whether or not his list of demands had been concluded. She kept herself quiet, waiting, wondering. Everything had gone so wrong, so quickly, and she couldn’t yet tell if anything could ever be fixed. It was still difficult to see what she had done wrong, exactly, but everything thus far had been proof enough that she was in the wrong—that, or Ukko was simply overreacting. Having never witnessed any behavior that might suggest he was the type to get worked up over nothing, she knew that it wasn’t the least bit likely that he would scream murder unless there was one. It was her fault, somehow, and she was to blame for the strife within her family.

Asterr shifted as he moved forward, turning her body enough to follow after him with her eyes. She was curious about what he was doing, but didn’t ask. She only watched, a bit on edge, to see what his intentions were. They knew nothing about what was going on around them, the hatchlings, and she couldn’t help but wonder about what would happen once they did. When they were older and capable of understanding what had happened, would they pick sides? It was her hope that they would never do such a thing, that her raising of them would be just as well of a job done as had been the case with her own parents. She wanted to be liker her mother—her grandmother, too—but given the rocky start to her family, she began doubting her ability to live up to the examples set and honour those that had come before her.

As he backed out of the den, she had expected him to leave. It was clear, now, that he had no more demands to make, which meant that there wasn’t a reason for him to linger any longer. Yet, he’d not left, but had asked a question instead. She looked at him for a moment before shaking her head. “You do not need to hunt for me anymore,” she told him. “You are not mine, and you do not serve me.” It was the tribe that he was now meant to serve and protect, but not her alone. “I will hunt for myself when it is necessary,” the girl added, turning her gaze away from him. She had hunted for both herself and Leo—whom she missed terribly—back when it was just the two of them, and so she would do the same now; birds, rabbits, and whatever other small animals she could find. Asterr would not allow for herself to accept the charity of a man who no longer shared a bond with her.
You're a mirror with two faces
Two sides, simple as that
Thread titles are from Hyuna’s “How’s This”