Stavanger Bay maybe they'll keep this snarling heart contained
this is your altar of dust
10 Posts
Ooc — torvi

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A small woman approached, calling out to him. The blood splashed across her face drew the commander of the hunt's eye but his gaze did not linger there. The sight of blood had never bothered him, would never unsettle him. As a hunter, as a guardian he'd seen and drawn enough of it to regard it as he regarded rain water: with little fascination. He was used to it and he was not bothered by her macabre visage. She spoke an offer, inviting him in and to draw nearer. Unusual, Ravus considered but he accepted the offer nevertheless. It was as he stepped over the line of black rocks that physically marked their borders, his gaze went to the male that had appeared like an apparition at the woman's side as if she had unceremoniously and silently summoned him.

For a moment, Ravus hesitated, weary. He was outnumbered and for the briefest of moments wondered after her intentions. His ears slicked back to rest against his skull, his posture lowering to show them submission and respect as they belonged to the pack and he was just a vagabond on their lands, invitation or no. In this he chose to maintain his “spoke only when spoken to” mentality that had usually been Cor's favorite command to bark at his wolves. Cor's harsh and tyrannical ways had their usefulness, Ravus supposed as he awaited for the questions that would surely come. All he could hope was that they found his skills useful and that his ineptitude at conversations would not earn him their ire.
the pulse of your mouth needed to ache
each night you tear apart a name
calling yourself everything but the light
Messages In This Thread
maybe they'll keep this snarling heart contained - by Ravus - December 11, 2016, 12:51 PM
RE: maybe they'll keep this snarling heart contained - by Ravus - December 12, 2016, 04:18 PM