A dream doesn't become a reality through magic.
Don't underestimate me because I'm short and stocky, I might just surprise you!
103 Posts
Ooc — Mercury
ooc: Can I join? Its short though sorry...

Ypres hadn't the pleasure in meeting the other original wolves of the pack, but she had been observing for quite some time now. Observing Beric and Naya from afar as she made her daily rounds, she too was bored out of her skull. She had no one to spar with, or anyone to make conversation with. Despite finding ''home'', she was lonesome.
She wandered over to introduce herself finally.

Greetings. I am Ypres. Nice day huh?

She offered a friendly wag of tail as she offered her name and light conversation. She observed the waves of the ocean and smiled as she parked herself a few feet from the pair awaiting conversation.
Messages In This Thread
RE: A dream doesn't become a reality through magic. - by Ypres - June 11, 2014, 10:06 PM