Arrow Lake God, why have you forsaken me? (MATURE) All welcome
"Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction."
485 Posts
Ooc — Alisha
There was a new pack in the mountains to the northeast. Sunspire. Named after the place where they lived, like the rest of the packs around here. After he had somewhat healed from his fight with the doppleganger, he decided to explore the place. See what he could scare from the mountains.

He had only neared the base of the mountains when the sound of hooves pounding the ground filled his ears. It was muted from the distance, but it was slowly and slowly coming closer. Kaname ducked as he saw the small group of bewildered deer running past. Towards the back of the herd, a fawn stumbled and fell. The dark assassin moved forward to finish it off before it rose, only to stumble himself as pain surged around his flank. The fawn rose and ran after its family, its white pennant of a tail flaring. Kaname growled. If only he wasn't hurt! Then he could get a quick bite.

That is alll your fault... a familiar voice hissed. He didn't answer. By now he knew that answering would only anger him more.

From the way those deer were running, it looked like something had spooked them. Another wolf perhaps, from hunting? Hoping he could get a quick meal out of another's kill, he walked in the opposite direction of the deer. Soon enough, he heard the cracking of bone and tearing of flesh. Kaname's icy eyes seemed to glow with satisfaction as he heard the sound of a successful hunt nearby, accompanied by the smell of a wolf. He approached the wolf, a female from the smell of her, and hoped she would be kind and at least share with him. She was not much younger than he, with a cream colored coat. He moved forward, chuffing softly to announce his arrival.
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RE: God, why have you forsaken me? (MATURE) All welcome - by Kaname - June 13, 2014, 06:50 PM