A dream doesn't become a reality through magic.
Don't underestimate me because I'm short and stocky, I might just surprise you!
103 Posts
Ooc — Mercury
Ypres had to admit; they were indeed correct about the heat! However she was dedicating her time patrolling the area to make sure the pack's borders were safe. Ypres offered a tail wag and a friendly woof back to the swimming pair. She assumed it wouldn't be a bother to just have a little bit of fun; but what if there were interlopers on the other side of the borders?
Ypres offered a weary glance at the crashing waves upon the rocks at one of the beach's points. She had never swam an ocean before; lakes yes, but not an ocean. She heard about rip tides and how they pull you. Ypres swallowed nervously.

Well, I guess I can use a cool off, it is hot...

She agreed with a playful wag, as she daintily wadded at the shore. Eyes carefully scanning the water for foreign creatures but not seeing any. She heard about the stinging jellies, the sharks and other nasty little creatures that thrived within the treacherous ocean. She took a nervous breath as she drew in just a little deeper into the water as gentle waves rolled in.
Messages In This Thread
RE: A dream doesn't become a reality through magic. - by Ypres - June 15, 2014, 01:26 AM