A dream doesn't become a reality through magic.
133 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Beric wasn't too familiar with the other creatures and dangerous of the ocean, so ignorance was bliss for him. It was such a hot day out, even he had known the dangers, he would probably still go for a swim. Beric began to try and jump over the smaller waves, sending splashes of water all around him. He let out a playful bark, turning his gaze to his pack mates. He lifted a paw out of the water and brought it down forcefully on the top of the water, trying to send a little towards Naya, and then Ypres. He gauged their reactions, his tail wagging, hoping they would join in on the play.

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RE: A dream doesn't become a reality through magic. - by Beric - June 15, 2014, 11:47 AM