Arrow Lake God, why have you forsaken me? (MATURE) All welcome
Don't underestimate me because I'm short and stocky, I might just surprise you!
103 Posts
Ooc — Mercury
Just because their leaders were at war, why should Ypres and the rest of the pack have to suffer? Ypres had the impression that the male had already judged the book unread, but then again who was he to judge? And who was she to assume? He moved on in like a blanket of darkness, swift, silent, Ypres could tell he was a loathsome killer, master corruption.
Her eyes watched his every move, hackles instinctively bristling as she chewed at her claimed area of fawn.
He asked what her name was.


She simply stated with cold icy tone and between mouthfuls. She had a deep desire to leave the entire meal to him, as she felt the need to run. It was all she had ever come to know, was to run. She feared getting to know another soul due to past poor experiences.
She ate in silence allowing the male to do the same. By the time she was finished her share of kill, she was too full to want to endure the trip home just yet.

" So what brings a lively Silvertip Mountain wolf all the way over here with such healthy hunting grounds?"

She was curious, she just needed to know if he was just simply wandering, or if he was looking for turmoil...
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RE: God, why have you forsaken me? (MATURE) All welcome - by Ypres - June 16, 2014, 01:46 AM