A dream doesn't become a reality through magic.
37 Posts
Ooc —
Ypres agreed on joining them and approached the pair step by step carefully searching for dangers in the water. Naya knew the ocean, she and her brother found some beaches before getting to the Teekon Wilds, she knew it could be dangerous sometimes but this wasn't a place to be afraid of, she felt safe. "C'mon Ypres, nothing's gonna bite you here! Relax a bit!" Naya mocked her.. Y'know.. In a friendly way..

Naya started splashing around, and she was about to splash towards Ypres when Beric splashed her all over, bending into a playing position, Naya turned to him with a "Oh no you didn't" expression and between giggles responded to the game "Oh you're asking for it!" She then splashed the water again with her tail, aiming for Beric, and jumped in the waves, this time going for Ypres. That hot morning was about to turn into a fun one..
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RE: A dream doesn't become a reality through magic. - by Naya - June 16, 2014, 11:41 AM