Arrow Lake God, why have you forsaken me? (MATURE) All welcome
Don't underestimate me because I'm short and stocky, I might just surprise you!
103 Posts
Ooc — Mercury
Ypres looked at Kaname wondering what was surging through the core of his mind. He then spoke once more, and it was a clear indication that he knew the scarce situation of food supply on the Isle.

"Yeah. The larger of the prey anyway.. just tired of eating crab, hare, and other small tidings.. I crave some real blood and meat."

She licked at the tips of her fangs as she finished her sentence. She offered a friendly wag of her tail as well as she lay there. Shifting her weight upon the fullness of her belly she was curious about this handsome male.

" why is it that small prey live on the isle? I have been on other lands like that, and have seen much bigger prey. "

She shifted once again, and offered a tiresome yawn. Her mind was whirling full of questions, but only those she should learn on her own. She stood up and stretched it was time to go home to fulfill her duties.

" We'll, Kaname, it was nice to meet you, but I really should get going "
Messages In This Thread
RE: God, why have you forsaken me? (MATURE) All welcome - by Ypres - June 21, 2014, 05:39 PM