Arrow Lake God, why have you forsaken me? (MATURE) All welcome
Don't underestimate me because I'm short and stocky, I might just surprise you!
103 Posts
Ooc — Mercury
Despite the fact that Kaname seemed all nice and all Ypres dared not trust this lad. He just seemed too nice, and too nice usually offered Ypres a red flag. However; she wasn't all that worried about him for the moment. She had a few things she needed to do before heading home. She needed to talk to some of the wild fauna. War was among them, and if she offered the right rewards and played her cards correctly, then she would have some damn powerful allies.
She offered the man a simple smile and a nod before turning off.

"Yeah.. you too.."

She woofed back behind her as she trotted briskly through the trees and dispersed.
Messages In This Thread
RE: God, why have you forsaken me? (MATURE) All welcome - by Ypres - June 21, 2014, 09:22 PM