Totoka River Don't drink the from the water place, its salty.
Madness is a bitter mercy...
51 Posts
Ooc — Alisha
Strangely, this fox did not shy or run away from her. No, she just smiled and greeted her happily, wagging her tail. The voices started whispering in her head again: See But she pushed the urge away. She was full and she did not want to taste fox meat for a long while. For once she could be friendly with the little canine.

"I guesss...." she hissed, sitting up straight. "Did you see the ssun dissappearr before...? That wass strange...." The sun turning black and leaving the world dark as night had scared every creature around. Even she was frightened of the darkness. Darkness was good, but light was good too. Life needed light and she needed lives to destroy to calm the voices in her head.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - by Laksha - July 03, 2014, 09:30 AM