Totoka River of course they were saints, but only by a hair
i was born to the witch boleyn
1,707 Posts
Ooc — ebony
@Blue Willow. osprey jr search party thread. hopefully u don't mind that i powerplayed her here <3 let me know if you do. set before the thread where osprey's remains are discovered!

upon leaving the plateau, the man's first thought had been the river, and the direction in which the current flowed. though he had not been to the seas before, and it had been long years since he last laid eyes upon saltwater, lasher instinctively moved toward the great expanse.

it is not realistic to think that the river carried her all the way to the sea," he murmured to the healer alongside whom he traveled, but perhaps if we keep it in sight, her scent may emerge on the bank. there were other scents here, other wolves; his hackles bristled, and he bemoaned the dangers that the child would have to face if she were able to pull herself from the waters.

he kept up the swift wolf-trot until the scent of the sea stung his nostrils, his eyes. with a look toward the willow, one resplendent with sorrow and with fear, taltos let his muzzle down to the earth and began to search for the scent of the little osprey.

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