Northstar Vale you said those things and i wanted to believe you
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The proper response might been a Thank you! or I won't let you down! but Queenie didn't have it in her to fathom either. All that she could give was an, Oh, please, and a playful shrug to the Morwinyon's shoulder. It's about time. It was remarkable how she had come from being indifferent about their pack and its wolves, to spending hours on end at the borders to keep them safe. Talk about a character arc, amiright?

I appreciate you thinking of me, she said, and now that we're kinda equals, you can't say anything about this. With that, Queenie launched herself over and onto Delight, trying to knock him down and playfully sprint away in a most childish manner.
Please take the time to read through this post.
Happy roleplaying!
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RE: you said those things and i wanted to believe you - by RIP Stephanie - March 30, 2018, 10:57 AM