Totoka River Don't drink the from the water place, its salty.
Madness is a bitter mercy...
51 Posts
Ooc — Alisha
It was the first time someone had asked her of the myths she believed in. Maybe that was because she was often a snarling, rabid cougar who either creeped out or scared other animals. Then there was Rocky and his family, but they were of another sort. She blinked, shaking her head to disappaite the voices that were threatening to rise again. This fox was different.

"Aress iss ourr Herro off Warr....Therre arree many taless off hiss endevourrss.....too many too lisst...."
Messages In This Thread
RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - by Laksha - July 04, 2014, 07:59 PM