Totoka River Don't drink the from the water place, its salty.
Madness is a bitter mercy...
51 Posts
Ooc — Alisha
Laksha looked confused at Autumn's first question. Caring? Protective? For the first one no, he was male, males are rarely like that. The latter? Kind of....he did protect the cougars from their enemies. She supposed that was protective. "He warrss againsst any who threatensss uss...." That could be a myriad of things: wolves, bears, other cougars, famine, humans, earthquakes, birds of prey (for the young ones). "It iss said in some legendss....that iff he stopss fighting......he diess....."
Messages In This Thread
RE: Don't drink the from the water place, its salty. - by Laksha - July 06, 2014, 10:26 AM