Duck Lake Awakening
Amnesia may have destroyed my <i>memory</i>, but it will not destroy <i>me</i>.
135 Posts
Ooc — Isabelle
Swiftcurrent Creek members ONLY please. Also, as a quick note: Red won’t talk much, as that is her character. She will mostly try to get by on body language alone, and only talk when absolutely necessary, making her sentences short and to the point. I plan on making her my new main character, so I would enjoy any and all character development, etc. Feel free to give me some feedback.

Set at dawn, on the western edge of the lake, starting in the area where the aspen trees are (from the description of Duck Lake from the Territories List). On a final note, there is no need to match my length. I seem to have gotten carried away.

She awoke with a start, eyes snapping open and darting around quickly. She lifted her head after a moment, to give herself a wider view of the surrounding area. Aspen trees. She was in a grove of aspen trees. And from a distance away, she heard the cacophony of many ducks. At least, she thought they were ducks. She stood on shaky legs, feeling very strange and unstable. Something about her situation was off-putting, but for the life of her, she could not figure out what it was. Something was… missing.

Slowly, she made her way towards the sound of the ducks, weaving through the trees as silently as she could. Something inside of her - some instinct - made her want to keep quiet if she could. She did not want to attract attention to herself. She broke through the trees and looked around. She was standing before a lake. It was not a very big lake, as far as lakes went, but it was substantial enough. And covering the surface of the water were dozens of quacking, squawking ducks. They were everywhere.

She stared at the masses of them for a little while, content to sit and watch. Their silly antics vaguely amused her, but soon enough, she grew bored. She stood once more and approached the water to take a drink. The ducks closest to her quickly slid away towards the middle of the lake, quacking at her indignantly. She ignored them, and came to a stop when her front paws were submerged in the cool water. She lowered her head to drink, taking her time and relishing in the feeling of the liquid sliding down her throat. It was then that she realized how thirsty she was. She spent a long minute lapping at the water, and finally lifted her head once more, inadvertently stopping to stare at her reflection in the rippling lake.

It was then that she realized what was wrong with her and her situation as a whole: She had no idea who she was. As she stared at her face in the water, she became horrified at the fact that she was unrecognizable to herself. She did not know what her name was, how old she was, where she came from… Those details about oneself that most take for granted were lost to the female staring at herself in the lake. Lost. Yes. That’s what she was. She was lost to herself.
Messages In This Thread
Awakening - by Red Wolf - July 07, 2014, 10:35 AM
RE: Awakening - by Haunter - July 07, 2014, 11:58 AM
RE: Awakening - by Bazi - July 07, 2014, 03:04 PM
RE: Awakening - by Red Wolf - July 07, 2014, 11:50 PM