Duck Lake Awakening
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125 Posts
Ooc — Van
Here, have a slightly tame Haunter :D

There came, from the westernmost edge of Duck Lake, a great and terrible racket—and at least fifty ducks took flight in fear, scurrying violently away from the shore, haphazardly crashing into one another in their desperation to reach safety in the middle. One of their kind had not been so lucky in its escape, however, and the long-necked waterfowl hung limply from the slick, venomous mouth of the yellow-eyed wraith.

Haunter slunk around the lake, searching for a choice, quiet place to eat. He found it easier if he hunted and ate alone; his mind could settle on something other than competition and he didn't treat everyone so violently in the alluring wake of blood. Though he considered himself alone now, his senses began to detect the presence of another the further he walked, and the tall, ink-spilled wolf slowed his lanky steps to a pause.

He could see her now, red fur and eyes a color he couldn't distinguish from this distance. From here he saw Fox—the stranger's scent drowned by the smell of dead bird right up his nostrils—so he loped forward without hesitation. He was within a few yards before recognizing that it was not her. Or at least, he realized something was off about her in the back of his thoughts, but at the forefront of his constantly delusional mind, he still saw the Alpha of Swiftcurrent.

He dropped the duck, and nudged it lightly in her direction. He would not eat this meal like he had done last time.
Messages In This Thread
Awakening - by Red Wolf - July 07, 2014, 10:35 AM
RE: Awakening - by Haunter - July 07, 2014, 11:58 AM
RE: Awakening - by Bazi - July 07, 2014, 03:04 PM
RE: Awakening - by Red Wolf - July 07, 2014, 11:50 PM