Heron Lake Plateau smiling in photos without any reason with people that i'll never know
a determination so powerful it could turn the sky storm black
683 Posts
Ooc — Athena

for colt and then maybe niamh after a few rounds; other tags for reference

She felt a little better about her decision to stay in Redhawks since traveling with Towhee and Tegan.  She still felt a little bit like she had nobody here; she had avoided @Colt since he and @Niamh had gotten together, and she'd even been scarce around @Raven since her, uh, unfortunate declaration.

She'd needed time away from them all, and she needed time away from the Plateau.  Their trip to the Caldera had been a good distraction.  It had tempered her down a little bit; she was no longer angry and resentful.

She was just hurt.  She knew it was nobody's fault but her own.  And besides, who was she to encroach on anyone's happiness?  Colt had Niamh, Raven had Quixote, and Ceara had nobody; not even a good friend.  She got on well with Dirge but he lived far enough away she couldn't see him often, and @Ambrose?  Pfeh!  As if.

There were a number of things that needed tended to since their absence had taken longer than usual.  She spent most of the day weeding her garden, and then set about the borders.  She was pleasantly surprised to find the scent of @Caiaphas and her cubs had taken control of the borders in her absence, and it seemed as if the old woman patrolled about as often as she or Niamh did.

With little left to do, she approached the lakeside in the evening.  Maybe tomorrow, she would finally talk to Colt.

ring the bells that still can ring
forget your perfect offering
there is a crack in everything
that's how the light gets in
Messages In This Thread
smiling in photos without any reason with people that i'll never know - by Fire - September 03, 2018, 10:56 AM