Stavanger Bay might lose me if you're not quick
Never doubt yourself; One day you may surprise yourself.
48 Posts
Ooc — Jessica
Aine nodded. "All is well. I had made a visit te my family, and had made a pack hunt with them. I also went te tell them a last good bye, fer I have found a home in these Wilds."

She thought about Thistle's problem. "I have never had a mate. I don't know how yer feeling right now. The closest I can hope to think was when I had te protect me brothers from a buffalo, but that is on a different scale, and nothing near te the way yer feeling.

"However, I have met Ragnar. He may be a Northman, but the way he spoke told me tha' he was a wolf of his word. Tha' he would defend his pack te the end of his days. If a wolf like tha' ever went back on his promise, I meself would be dumbstruck. No, Ragnar would never leave ye. It bothers me to think tha' those doubts would cross your mind in the first place, me friend."

She smiled at Thistle Cloud. "Ragnar is lucky to have a mate such as you."
Messages In This Thread
might lose me if you're not quick - by Thistle Cloud - July 18, 2014, 03:59 PM
RE: might lose me if you're not quick - by Aine - July 19, 2014, 11:03 AM
RE: might lose me if you're not quick - by Aine - July 21, 2014, 01:44 PM
RE: might lose me if you're not quick - by Aine - July 28, 2014, 01:32 PM