The Sunspire Making freedom work for you
Loyal to the death
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Ferdie lifted his head and stared at her, where did this come from? he cocked his head to the left blinked and sighed, Ferdie stood and backed up, no longer trusting Leaf not to attack him, Bazi lied to you too? then you are going to want to see the pup Bazi claims I attacked, the pup that almost stopped the whole thing before it started. lifting his head slightly he howled for @Nightingale

Ferdie voice turned stern his eyes hardened Leaf-- Do not ask these questions if you are not prepared to listen to the answers and take them to heart. Do not be like the wolves in the story I told you when I first met you. For every word of that 'story' is true.

Ferdie's turned his head to the right, he turned his face away from Leaf in a deferral type manner, Bazi stabbed him over and over each time she told the lie and each time it passed from lips to ears the knives went deeper. Ferdie then looked up at Leaf his eyes filled with pain, his heart breaking yet again, his voice was now flat and sad.

There were three females there, I did not attack Nightingale, I did not attack that pup nor Bazi. I had almost died of a broken heart, and would have if they had just let me be.... I had not been eating barely drinking.... I was in love with Fox and she rebuked me over and over, I don't think she even realized she was doing so. Rebuke was truly the right word there. Ferdie nudged the duck closer as he waited for Nightingale.

after Bones was taken I was even more heart broken with Fox's reactions and with the fact we... I could not save her. I went out to the boarders that day to die; starved and heart broken I wanted nothing more then to die. I forgot there were other wolves that loved me, like Nightingale and perhaps once upon a time, Bazi herself

Ferdie drew a deep breath Nightingale had not made it to them yet so he continued re-living that night in the telling of this story a night he didn't want to go back to
Sky was the name of the third female, she was insubordinate and deliberately refusing to listen to her Beta Bazi to leave the area
Sky also didn't listen to the plea's of Jace whom begged her to leave me alone, for with my broken heart, I was not myself, I was clouded with hurt and pain my mind wanted to die my body ached from the previous battle for Bones.
Their words became a buzz I couldn't hear them anymore... they were little more then forms moving around me,
but then there was a light, a voice that cut through that almost.... Nightingale she spoke to me 'eat,' why eat?
Ferdie was lost in his story now unable to tell a lie, He was reliving the moment his eyes no longer focused on anything, distant, The words just coming from him with no stopper from his brain. Though right now a quick movement could snap him of his living nightmare.

eat..... fish? The world is still the buzz is there but... Ferdie gasped slightly like he was physically touched
My skin crawled my shoulder was prodded, something shoved me. Ahh!!! leave me alone I want to be alone, I snapped at the thing that touched me I aimed for ... her white face. 'Sky!' The Dark wolf filled my vision, he took the blow. He took the reigns, I want to die I want be alone, why am I staring at the darkest version of myself.
Ferdie's growl filled the air, then shook himself with a start. Breaking himself of his own reverie Ferdie turned his gaze back to Leaf and continued his story properly

By the time I regained consciousness I was on the ground broken and bloody Bazi had taken Nightingale somewhere safe, Sky left and Jace and I had battled nearly to the death over [size=x-small]a darkness that is[/size]...... Ferdie stopped speaking then it was not his place to tell Leaf about Jace. But he couldn't finish that sentence without revealing it.
After that fight Bazi told us to go to Fox as Jace and I were, broken and bloody. Fox commanded us to senselessly kill each other or at least finish what we started. But we had finished; Jace had saved me from myself. He had become a Du'andris.

We could physically do no more battle that day, yet she commanded it. Without listening to our reasons without listening to submission, when we both refused to kill the other she attacked us and drove us out. We left quietly and never returned EVER.... we moved as far as our broken bodies would allow and made a home here far enough from Swiftcurrent creek; we are not in the rising sun valley we are up on a mountain for god sakes.

Ferdie now waited for Leafs reaction to the whole story. Glancing around for Nightingale, offering her an affectionate smile and lick on the head if and when she got there, his smile for Nightingale would be a true smile not a forced or strained one.

Messages In This Thread
Making freedom work for you - by Ferdie Von Pelt - July 22, 2014, 12:56 PM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Leaf - July 22, 2014, 02:43 PM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Ferdie Von Pelt - July 22, 2014, 04:07 PM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Nightingale - July 22, 2014, 04:20 PM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Leaf - July 22, 2014, 05:05 PM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Ferdie Von Pelt - July 22, 2014, 07:26 PM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by OG Magpie - July 23, 2014, 11:16 AM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Nightingale - July 23, 2014, 01:19 PM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Leaf - July 25, 2014, 10:29 AM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Ferdie Von Pelt - July 27, 2014, 10:13 PM
RE: Making freedom work for you - by Nightingale - July 28, 2014, 01:00 PM