Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
♛queen of disaster ♛
454 Posts
Ooc — Mini (Marie)

Young blood was rare on the Ouroboros. The great majority of the members of the former mountain pack already had a couple of years hanging over their heads. Lecter being the oldest of them all. And while most oscillated between 2 and 4 years, there was another yearling among the ranks of the Ouroboros. One that maybe could give Keith some company.

Whether it'd be pleasant company or not was unknown. With Cara it was easier to become an enemy than a friend, in fact many of her own pack members had already fallen under the category of enemies: Tyrande,Sitri and Mordecai just to list a few. Only one had managed to befriend the girl during her time here: Kaname. The earthen man and her shared a strange bond; while they occasionally flirted with each other they were bounded together by a mutual hate.

But while her personality could be seen as a minus, it was her immaculate beauty, her wits and exquisite humor that gave her a couple of points in her advantage.

Today, the young femme had taken the liberty to patrol on her own. The fact that her beloved leader was going mad didn't mean the mundane chores of the Ouroboros' wolves were over. While she trotted through the territory she spotted a white shadow looming over a hollow tree. Her fur bristled inmidiately at the though of an intrusion but she quickly noticed this male wore Jinx's perfume on his pelt, which meant he was one of them.

Quick and silent steps took her closer to the male, she was an expert when it came to sneaking up on others. "Close your mouth, or at least get a mint"she teased while eyeing the man with interest.

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