Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
402 Posts
Ooc — Anthony
You could say that Keith was rather stupefied by the beauty of the nature that thrived in the Ouroboros, and maybe he was agaze in amazement for the absurd size of the tree he had found, but if one thing wasn't true was that he had bad breath. The silver prince's ego sure didn't like the comment made by whoever was behind him, a growl started building in his chest, ready to snap this bully, but it was immediately dissipated by the stunning beauty of the goddess that was standing just a few steps before him.

Her perfectly groomed pale coat made her lithe figure stun with elegance. Her amber eyes and her delicate facial traits were so feminine and so sexy at the same time that made the yearling swallow and probably sweat, he was once again open mouthed with the beauty his eyes saw.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you coming.." he said resuming his composure, "It's just that it seems like everything here is beautiful.." he said offering a smile to the female. "My name's Keith, Jinx took me in a few days ago.." He waited for his companion to introduce herself, he was oblivious that she used to be a bitch to whoever male spoke to her.
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