Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
"Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction."
485 Posts
Ooc — Alisha
I'm gonna butt in here to cause drama, 'cuz that's what I do. <3 (long post sorry)

Kaname wanted to propose to have the island in the lake as the pack den. He'd explored it, searching for the exact place to settle down. It was perfect to him. Isolated, so wolves could enjoy the peace and quiet, but with enough prey to catch if they ever needed it. He doubted he had to make a food pile, but he might need to put one on the mainland if they ever needed it. And it was a last refuge as well; expectant mothers could raise their pups on the island free from any threat of predators, and the pack could gather there in case of assault (which he hoped would never happen). It was perfect.

He was going to petition this to Jinx and make it official, but ever since the pack hunt he had been avoiding her. Everyone had. She was sick, incoherent and wild. His hope for her was gone when he found Itsuki's body drenched in her sickly stench. They were losing their alpha, and their Beta was dying, by both natural and Lecter's own means. So for now, he made the island (which he needed to name soon), his den until the terror that was Jinx had passed.

A rabbit in his jaws, he was travelling back to the island, passing through the beauty that was the Ouroboros Spine. It was verdant, rich of prey and lovely to look at. Jinx thought so, but she was so lost that Kaname didn't think she knew where she was anymore. He pushed the somewhat sickening thought away, keeping his senses on his surroundings. As he was growing closer to the lake, he could hear voices nearby. Perking his ears, he followed the sound, and as he grew closer, he recognized the voice of Cara, and someone else, someone new?

The assassin approached the pair out of curiousity, but growled low in his throat when he heard the male say, It's just that it seems like everything here is beautiful.. to Cara. Obviously a flirt. But Kaname was the only one who could flirt with her! He strode through the greenery, placing himself at Cara's side, dropping the rabbit and glaring at the silver wolf with cold eyes. "Who's this? A newcomer?"
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