Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
♛queen of disaster ♛
454 Posts
Ooc — Mini (Marie)
the moment Cara realized Kaname was behind them [Image: 644.gif]

It was common for Cara to toy with guys, she had learned that being pretty paid off. The world was made for the handsome, it sounded cruel but it was the truth. The handsome ruled the world while the not so blessed individuals served them. That was how it went in the yearling's mind.

She smiled at his reaction, even if he did had bad breath she'd want a piece of dat continue to talk to him. She noticed that his eyes lingered on her face, not that she was uncomfortable with him staring as long as he didn't drool everything would be fine. He apologized for his brusque response , but she had expected no less, she had startled him after all.

Keith. Oh so he had a nice name to match with his face. The yearling's mouth parted slowly, she was about to introduce herself when a very familiar scent drifted onto her nose. His voice confirmed her suspicion. Kaname stood beside her, almost to the point of pressing himself against her. His voice was crude, but Cara didn't blame him he was always that way towards strangers.

"Kaname,", she said while turning her face towards him for a brief second, "This is Keith, he's a brand new piece of meat in the Ouroboros", she barked, giving Keith a little wink at the end. I'd tap dat He's a piece eye candy too, she added in his mind though she suppressed her smile to see how Kaname reacted to this new man.

There was no point in denying there was something between them, their relationship walked on the tightrope lingering between a friendship and something more. Now that a third party came into view, things were bound to get complicated.

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