Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see
402 Posts
Ooc — Anthony
The girl didn't get a chance to introduce herself before another wolf came to scene, a big and imposing male, but mostly old. Keith noticed almost instantly the age difference, he was probably three or four years older than them and he seemed to dislike that the young prince was talking to the female, jealous much?. What on earth is such a hot wolfess doing with an old creep like that? Was running through the yearling's mind with disgust...

The yearling smiled maliciously in response to the female's wink, could she be sexier? But then he turned to Kaname, who was looking at him with his merely cold blue eyes, Hmpf- he thought rising an eyebrow, and returning the stare with his freezing white gaze. He didn't say a word knowing that he was on a much lower rank in the pack, but he held the stare, the old guy had interrupted a rather important meeting and the young prince wasn't happy about it.
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